Reunion Activities HICKSVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS of ’62
Tour of Hicksville High School Meet and Greet Friday, October 5 @7pm until… Holiday Inn 50th Reunion Party – DJ Music Dinner, Dancing & Conversation Saturday, October 6 from 7:00pm – 12:00 am Cocktail Hour, Open Bar, Hot Buffet, Coffee & Cake $100 per person Holiday Inn Breakfast Meet & Greet Sunday, October 7 from 9:30 am until… Saturday
night, October 6th, 2012 Holiday
Inn Cocktail
Hour $100.00 per person
Fill out
the bottom of this letter and mail your check by September 1st to: For more
information call or e-mail one of the following Marci Lipschutz Seus 516-579-9133 Bethpage, N.Y. Joe Carfora 919-545-5502 Chapel Hill, N.C Karen Hubner Jenkins 516-735-5968 Levittown, N.Y. Janice Breeden Manaskie 516-796-3407 Hicksville, N.Y. Richie Humann 516-796-1949 Hicksville, N.Y. Roy Garman 516-681-2392 Bethpage, N.Y. Jo Cipullo Walston Frank Lombardi 516-822-5156 If you are in touch with anyone from our class and they have not received either this letter in the mail or a copy of this letter in an e-mail, please forward their information to us so we can contact them. Please email any photos you would like to include and if you are coming to Pat Appelman Levitin ( so she can post them on the Reunion website. ______________________________ (CUT OR TEAR HERE) I
(your name here)_________________________ ____will attend alone ____will attend with a guest Your E-mail
address_______________________ Your telephone number______________________ Total Amount enclosed $_________